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2007 AAPA Special Seminar for Members of Port Authority Governing Boards and Commissions

June 20, 2007
Palm Beach, Florida

The Special Seminar for Members of Port Authority Governing Boards and Commissions (“Commissioners Seminar”) is a two-and-one-half day seminar which covers the latest issues in the port industry, port management, personal liability and ethics considerations, and planning. This comprehensive program explores the unique duties and responsibilities of governing board members and allows participants to share valuable information. Port directors are encouraged to accompany their commissioners to this seminar.

Welcoming Remarks

  • Kurt Nagle, President & CEO, American Association of Port Authorities
  • Wayne M. Richards, Chairman, Port of Palm Beach District

Timely Public Port Governing Board and Management Considerations

A lively, interactive opening session highlighting current topics.

  • Ron Brinson, PPM®
  • J. Robert Bray, Executive Director Emeritus, Virginia Port Authority

An Update on Key Issues Impacting Ports

Up to the minute information on what’s happening of importance to ports.

Predicting the Future – What Does It Portend for Your Port?

A look ahead at trends in trade, vessel design, port infrastructure and their impact on your port.

  • John Vickerman, Jr., Director, TranSystems Corporation

Land Use Considerations and Pressures

A discussion of factors to be considered, lessons learned, and the role of Board members in this increasingly challenging and controversial area.

Current Legal and Liability Issues for Ports and You, the Governing Board Member

What you should know as a Board Member about port legal issues and your personal exposure. 

  • Cathy Orleman, Principal Counsel, Maryland Port Administration, Chair, AAPA Law Review Committee

Board – Management Relations – A Critical Factor in Your Port’s Success

Hear from fellow Board Members and executive directors on how to make this critical relationship effective.

  • Gus T. Hein, Executive Officer to the Board of Harbor, Commissioners, Port of Long Beach
  • Mark McAndrews, Port Director, Port of Pascagoula
  • Charles Persons, President, Board of Commissioners, Port of Pascagoula

Evolution (or Revolution?!) of Community Relations

Your city or community may have begun and flourished because of the port, but how do you address current community concerns like “what have you done for me (or to me) lately?”

  • Gus T. Hein, Executive Officer to the Board of Harbor, Commissioners
    Port of Long Beach
  • Charles A. Towsley, PPM®, President, Maritime Directions, Inc.
  • J. Stanley Payne, Chief Executive Officer, Canaveral Port Authority

Sharing Ideas and Lessons Learned

A wide-ranging open forum discussion sure to provide valuable “take-aways.”

  •  Mr. Brinson

Tour of the Port of Palm Beach