September 17, 2012
Baltimore, MD
This seminar is a PPM® Required Program. If you are involved in marine terminal operations (container or non-container) at your port, then don't miss this week-long intensive training course designed to give port professionals hands-on experience and the tools necessary to excel in the industry. From overviews of marine terminal design to a day-long negotiation skills workshop, this seminar covers all the essentials. The seminar -- hosted by AAPA, the National Association of Waterfront Employers, and the U.S. Maritime Administration -- features a diverse slate of experts. Erik Stromberg, port industry veteran, will lead the program. He will be joined by other top-level maritime industry experts in a full program of panel discussions, training sessions, and workshops. Find out how your colleagues are managing today's critical port issues!
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Kurt J. Nagle, President & CEO, American Association of Port Authorities
M. Kathleen Broadwater, Deputy Executive Director, Maryland Port Administration
Bruce Cashon, Senior Vice President & Chief Commercial Officer, Ceres Terminals, New Brunswick, NJ
Icebreaker and Introduction to Program
Erik Stromberg, Wilmington, NC, Program Facilitator
Setting the Stage: Critical Issues Facing Public Ports and the Marine Terminal Industry
Kurt J. Nagle, President and CEO, American Association of Port Authorities
Bruce Cashon, Senior Vice President & Chief Commercial Officer, Ceres Terminals, New Brunswick, NJ
M. Kathleen Broadwater, Deputy Executive Director, Maryland Port Administration
Mark Montgomery, President and CEO, Ports America Chesapeake, Baltimore, MD
Institutional Structure: Trends in Public Port Governance and the Marine Terminal Industry
Erik Stromberg, Consultant, Wilmington, NC
Bruce Cashon, Senior Vice President & Chief Commercial Officer, Ceres Terminals, New Brunswick, NJ
Mark Montgomery, President and CEO, Ports America Chesapeake, Baltimore, MD
Trade and Economic Trends
Paul Bingham, Economics Practice Leader, CDM Smith, Fairfax, VA
Continuing Evolution of Marine Terminal Design and Cargo Handling
M. John Vickerman, Jr., President, Vickerman & Associates, LLC, Williamsburg, VA
Container Terminal Planning and Operations
James J. Devine, President and CEO, New York Container Terminal, Staten Island, NY
Thomas A. Ward, P.E., Chief Engineer, Ports America, Inc., Alameda, CA
Andrew Cairns, P.E., Regional Ports Lead, AECOM, New York, NY
Anne Marie Kappel, Vice President, World Shipping Council, Washington, DC
Trends in Design and Operations of Breakbulk, Project and RORO Carriers
Phil Morrell, Vice President Marine & Terminal Operations, Totem Ocean Trailer Express, Inc. (TOTE), Tacoma, WA
David M. Thomas, Director of Operations, Maryland Port Administration
Andrew G. Nixon, Vice President, Rukert Terminals Corporation, Baltimore, MD
Financing Port and Harbor Improvements
Discussion Leader
Loss Mitigation Strategies
Rhonda D. Orin, Esq., Managing Partner, Anderson Kill & Olick, P.C., Washington, DC
Port Safety -- Fundamental Issues and an Industry Report Card
Ronald L. Signorino, President, The Blueoceana Co., Basking Ridge, NJ
Port Security -- Current Programs and Requirements
Ed Merkle, Director of Port Security & Emergency Operations, Virginia Port Authority, Norfolk, VA
Charles Carroll, Esq., Executive Director, National Assn. of Waterfront Employers, Washington, DC
The Positive and Pervasive Role of IT -- Enhancing Management and Operational Efficiencies
Session Leader
Sustainable Port Development and Operations
Erik Stromberg, Wilmington, NC
Frank L. Hamons, Deputy Director for Harbor Development, Maryland Port Administration
Sherrill Gardner, Cardno TEC, Annapolis, MD
Optimizing Your Most Important Asset -- Human Resources Issues and Trends
Richard B. Koch, Vice President, Administration, North Carolina State Ports Authority
Port and Marine Terminal Government Policy and Legal Issues
Negotiating Strategies -- Approaches to Win/Win Solutions Terminal Leases and Carrier Agreements
Michael DiVirgilio, Senior Vice President, Development, Ceres Terminals Inc., East Brunswick, NJ
Roy A. Schleicher, Executive Vice President, Jacksonville Port Authority
Joseph A. Dorto, President & CEO, Virginia International Terminals, Inc., Norfolk, VA
Surviving the Competitive Marine Terminal Industry
Michael DiVirgilio, Senior Vice President, Development, Ceres Terminals Inc., East Brunswick, NJ
Roy A. Schleicher, Executive Vice President, Jacksonville Port Authority
Joseph A. Dorto, President & CEO, Virginia International Terminals, Inc., Norfolk, VA