February 18, 2009
AAPA’s Finance Committee, chaired by Rodney Oliver held its second in a series of conference call/webinars addressing the ongoing financial crisis and its impact on public port authority operations, Wednesday, February 18th, 2 p.m. EST. A special emphasis was placed on examining the economic stimulus and its impact on seaports.
Our Moderator:
Cheryl Taylor, Deputy Port Director, Finance & Administration, Port of Stockton
Our Presenters:
- Walter Kemmsies, Moffatt & Nichol’s chief economist, Dr. Kemmsies, has a long professional history of forecasting global trade and economic trends as they pertain to the assessment of Greenfield/Brownfield investment in transportation infrastructure, as well as mergers and acquisitions
- Paul Bingham, a principal of the consulting firm Global Insight, Inc. Mr. Bingham has 22 years of experience managing studies of international trade and maritime transportation for public and private sector clients. He leads cargo and trade forecasting studies for federal and state government agencies, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, port authorities and transportation carriers.
Seaports and the Financial Crisis